Vi hjelper deg

Nordic Accounting AS er et autorisert regnskapsførerselskap som tilbyr regnskaps- og konsulenttjenester for små og mellomstore bedrifter.

Våre kunder er hovedsakelig lokalisert på det sentrale Østlandet, vi betjener selvsagt også kunder fra landet forøvrig.

Kundene våre betjener vi fra våre kontorer i Oslo og Klaipeda/Litauen.

Per i dag er vi 7 kompetente regnskapsførere, gjennom flere år har vi hjulpet kunder fra ulike bransjer med stort engasjement.

Får vi også hjelpe din virksomhet?

Our team

Autorisert regnskapsfører

Humera Gul Khan, daglig leder


Daglig leder i Nordic Accounting siden 2016.
Ansvarlig for årsoppgjør og prosjektorienterte oppgaver.
Been with Nordic Accounting since 2016.
Responsible for year-endings and various projects.

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Julija Kinčienė
Bachelor of Economics

Julija Kinčienė


Vært med Nordic Accounting siden starten i 2010.
Hjulpet norske virksomheter siden 2009.

Kundeportefølje primært innen bygg og anlegg/entreprenører, HORECA (hotell, restaurant og catering), varehandel og finansielle tjenester. Har også prosjektorienterte oppdrag mot utvalgte klienter.

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Vitalija Jonaityte
Bachelor of business administration

Vitalija Jonaityte


Regnskapsfører hos Nordic Accounting siden 2012.

Betjener en kundeportefølje innen entreprenørvirksomhet, investerings- og konsulentselskaper samt varehandel og øvrige tjenesteytende virksomheter.

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Sigita Točko
Bachelor in political science and international relations

Sigita Točko

Deputy director
Experience in accounting – 13 years. Together with Nordic Accounting since 2014. Industries: HORECA, construction and consulting companies
Industries: construction-, investment-, and consulting companies, retail business and various clients within service industries.

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Valentas Tumėnas
Master‘s degree in accounting and auditing

Valentas Tumėnas

Experience in accounting – 6 years. Together with Nordic Accounting since 2017. Industries: construction, investment, hiring of labor and consulting companies.

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Vilma Garastienė
Master‘s degree in business economics

Vilma Garastienė

Experience in accounting – 14 years. Together with Nordic Accounting since 2018. Industries: HORECA, retail business, advertising and construction companies.

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Laura Lesnievicz-Kuszka
Master’s degree in accounting and finance

Laura Lesnievicz-Kuszka

Junior accountant
Together with Nordic Accounting since 2019.

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Loreta Agurjanova
Bachelor in business administration

Loreta Agurjanova

Junior accountant
Serves Norwegian clients since 2015. Together with Nordic Accounting since 2019.

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Would you like to be a part of our team?

Are you an accountant with a Norwegian authorisation, or getting an authorisation soon, feel free to send an application and your CV to

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